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About Us
About Us

OAA UK Trust is the charitable foundation of the OAA (Old Achimotan Association) UK. Our goal is to advance the pupils' education at Achimota School Ghana by raising funds to provide and assist in providing facilities for their education. Some of our activities include awarding educational books and scholarships to those who would not otherwise be able to undertake or complete their education at the school for financial reasons.
Our Vision

To serve as a connecting point for Akoras residents in the UK and Ireland.
Our Four-Fold Mission

  1. To create a directory of all Akoras in the UK and Ireland
  2. To champion networking and business opportunities for Akoras
  3. To facilitate year group administration and activities.
  4. To support year group projects and fundraising activities through the annual dinner dance initiative.
Brief History Of OAA UK

The history of the Old Achimotan Association in the United Kingdom provides evidence of the enduring influence that Achimota School has had and continues to have on its alums, known as Akoras, and former staff, who are considered honorary Akoras.
The OAA UK held its first meeting in August 1951 at the Friends’ International Centre in Tavistock Square, London, when twenty-four people met to continue the friendships and fellowship established during the early years of Achimota. The association was, by design, established as a social organisation which allowed Akoras and their families resident in or visiting the UK to renew or continue the friendships they had made on the Outlaws’ Hill.
The oral myth regarding the history and origins of the association is that it began as a tea party for former British expatriate staff who had returned to the United Kingdom after their time at Achimota. It was much more than that: it is clear from the attendance registers that former school students have also attended from the association’s beginnings.
Even though most of the association’s members comprise former students, former staff still make a significant contribution to its affairs. In 1985, former assistant headmaster Harry Allen suggested that the association should be more than merely a social gathering and take active steps in furthering the school's activities.
OAA UK continues to flourish, and several year groups can attest to the details of its work and support activities. Over the years, the association has grown larger and supports year groups to organise and host the OAA UK Annual Dinner Dance to raise funds to support their legacy projects at the school.